This would free them to transact business across state lines 这将使他们能够跨越州界进行交易。
The objective of the project is to provide a complete infrastructure for Web deployment so that application developers are free to concentrate on the business logic. 这个项目的目的是为Web开发提供一个完整的基础设施,让应用程序开发人员可以将注意力集中在业务逻辑上。
China will move faster in pursuing the strategy of establishing free trade areas, strengthen business ties with major trading partners and deepen practical cooperation with other emerging markets and developing countries. 中国将加快实施自由贸易区战略,加强同主要贸易伙伴的经济联系,深化同其他新兴市场国家和发展中国家的务实合作。
He is a man known for espousing the merits of free markets and private business – but is not calling for the abolition of the Federal Reserve or a return to the gold standard. 他以拥护自由市场和私营企业的优越性著称,但不会呼吁废除美联储(Fed)或者回到金本位制。
When Mr. Ma vowed that it would remain free for years, eBay shot back in a release, Free is not a business model. 当马云发誓称淘宝网在几年内都会保持免费时,eBay发表声明予以反击称,免费不是一种商业模式。
Another of the problems and non-standard bearings, took the transfer and processing of goods, free shipping agency business. 另对疑难及非标轴承代为调货及加工,免费代办发货业务。
MH: The free content is a business strategy. MH:免费内容算是一种商业策略吧。
In a democracy the media must be free and hold business to account. 对于企业主,公众的认可只能通过教育、实际经验和现实的例子逐渐实现。
Hotel Features: FREE Full Hot Breakfast, FREE Business Center, FREE Exercise Room, FREE Ample Bus Parking, FREE Scheduled Metro Shuttle. 饭店特色:全部免费热早餐,免费商务中心,免费健身房,免费充足的巴士停车,免费定期地铁班车。
I'm not free to run my business like I want. 我现在连想做事的自由都没有。
Eurostar's trains have power sockets and offer free newspapers and magazines in business and premium economy classes on-board. 欧洲之星的列车上不仅有电源接口,在商务座和特惠经济座还提供免费报纸和杂志。
"The only vacancy for you now. Frank," said the harried and discouraged president, who only wanted to retire and be free of his business burdens," is my job." 一心想摆脱生意上的压力尽早退休的总经理疲惫不堪,垂头丧气地说:“弗兰克,现在你能填补的唯一空缺就是我的职业。”
For SOA to be successful ( let alone "free"), the business may need to consider certain structural opportunities, and to engage with IT requirements in new ways. 为了使SOA成功(就别说“免费”了),企业可能需要考虑某种结构的机会,并与IT需求以一种新方式结合。
Laissez-faire, or "leave-it-alone," in a translation from the French, is a concept allowing private interests to have a virtual free rein in operating business. 放任主义一词来自于法语,意思是允许私有企业完全自由经营。
Free and successful business spirit can be shown completely in Wasin, and creating the comfortable office environment is our pursuit. 自由与成功的商务精神在华成可以得到最好的体现,舒雅的办公环境营造更是我们的不懈追求。
When the pace of globalisation-"the coming together on a platform of common values"-picked up after the fall of the Berlin Wall, so did the demand for people capable of decoding free markets and the US business model. 柏林墙倒塌之后,“共同价值观在一个平台上汇聚”的全球化步伐加快了,相应地,能“解码”自由市场和美国商业模式人才的市场需求也加大了。
Landscape Lighting Design of Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone Business Center, Shanghai 外高桥保税区商贸中心夜景照明设计
If you want your business or service information to be published for free in JiaHwa online business directory, click here to fill out an online form. 如果您想让佳华指南也收入您的商业、服务信息,请到这里填写网上表格即时登记。
He's given his brother a free hand to direct the business. 让他弟弟全权掌管他的业务。
Business turnover for transactions of foreign exchange, negotiable securities or futures conducted by non-financial organizations or individuals is free from business tax. 非金融机构和个人买卖外汇、有价证券或期货,不征收营业税。
The selling division must be free to reject internal business if it prefers to sell outside. In his senior year, he rejected a job offer from Microsoft and opted for the physics graduate program at Harvard. 销售部门必须有选择将产品或服务出售给外部而拒绝内部转移的权力。s>在大四时他拒绝了微软公司的聘用而选择了去哈佛读物理专业的研究生。
The government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall, on its own, formulate monetary and financial policies, safeguard the free operation of financial business and financial markets, and regulate and supervise them in accordance with law. 香港特别行政区政府自行制定货币金融政策,保障金融企业和金融市场的经营自由,并依法进行管理和监督。
Under the internet situation, libraries are faced with challenges from multi media world, from a variety of information forms and from the new operation notion that free services and business running complement each other. 网络环境下,图书馆面临多元化媒介载体竞争,形成了实体与虚拟并存的信息载体,服务与经营互补的运作理念,由有墙向无墙过渡的工作机制,馆藏与网络互动的发展趋向。
What is different from the multinational enterprises in manufacture is that the free market and safe international business environment plays a much more important role in competitive advantage of multinational enterprises in services. 与制造业跨国公司不同的是,自由的国际市场和安全的经营环境对服务业跨国公司竞争优势的获得和保持有着更为重要的意义。
The dividend policy could also affect the internal funds and free cash flow in business enterprise, reducing the chance of being engaged in negative net present value and over-investment. 利润分配也会影响企业内部资金情况,支付现金股利减少了自由现金流,从而减少了企业从事净现值为负的项目的机会,因此股利发放也可以在一定程度上减轻过度投资问题。
EAI is used to achieve the free sharing of data and business throughout the enterprise network connected applications and data sources. EAI是通过在整个企业内用网络连接在一起的应用程序和数据源来实现数据和业务的自由共享。
In the preliminary stage of independence, under the influence of liberalism, Argentina advocated free business with European countries so as to develop foreign trade and domestic economy, and to lift the whole nation from the state of poverty through attracting foreign capital and immigrants. 在自由主义思潮的影响下,阿根廷要求与欧洲国家自由通商,力图通过吸引利用外资和移民,发展对外贸易,走经济发展捷径,改变国家贫穷落后面貌。
Second, the business model for the study of cultural and creative talents first conventional mode of operation were studied, and according to the different modes of talent, talent is subdivided into full-time business model, business model part-time talent, free talent business model. 第二,对于经营模式的研究,首先文化创意人才常规经营模式进行了研究,并根据人才工作模式的不同,细分为全职型人才经营模式、兼职型人才经营模式、自由型人才经营模式。
With the mobile security market gradually matured, the combination of free and paid business models may be more popular. 随着手机安全市场逐步走向成熟,免费和付费相结合的商业模式将更受青睐。
In the agency costs of free cash flow theory Jensen suggested that over-investment occurring on the premise that there is a lot of free cash flow business. Jensen提出自由现金流量的代理成本理论指出,过度投资行为发生的前提是企业存在大量的自由现金流。